Poll: New Game

Are you ready to move on to the next chapter and start a new game?

Yes, everything I wanted to work on is complete.
Yes, but there were minor things I wished to resolve.
Yes, but there were still major things I wished to resolve.
We're in a game?
No votes
No, but I had most of the things I was working on resolved.
No, and there are major issues I am still workingn on resolving.
HELL NO! You can't end my plotting yet!
No votes
Total votes: 18

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TH - The Hunt
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:56 pm

That sounds entirely trustworthy, as if nothing could possibly go wrong.
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WM - The Waste Mage
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Oct 17, 2021 5:02 pm

Maybe I am trolling you in the sense that it's actually really good and I DON'T want you to enjoy it and knowing your contrariness I knew the surest way to get you to never hear the music was to tell you to listen to it?

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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Oct 17, 2021 5:11 pm

"The Hunt rides. The Hunt protects."

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TF - The Fortress
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TF - The Fortress » Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:56 pm

[+] Big quote from MF
MF - Morcuan the Fay wrote:
Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:28 pm
RC - Riva wrote:
Sun Oct 17, 2021 2:13 pm
New setting is neutral to all at start of game, AA, BM, and myself gain no advantage for a new campaign.
This is never, ever true. It would be true in an ideal world, but in the real world, players have already made decisions about what they want to do before the game starts--or even before the previous game ends. A player who prefers and/or excels at a particular playstyle, technique, or archetype has an obvious advantage if there's a powerful deity that suits that archetype. It can be even worse when a god is established that has a particular mission a player wants to pursue.

I remember how enraged you and Sam were that I put a demigod into the pantheon in D1, and how angry it made you until Sam's god and character successfully overturned that setting and compelled it to be discarded. You can't pretend that you don't care about forcing the game parameters, or that no one's made blatant attempts to do it through metagame methods. That's again what we're seeing now.

If you didn't gain an advantage from changing the social environment, you wouldn't be trying to shut me down, dismiss me as crazy, mislead everyone, or talk up the people you want to succeed. Sam wants me to have an advantage (backhandedly, and with plausibly deniable sabotage) because he likes trolling.
Your argument about number of posts equating to my inability to let it rest can easily be said for your own multitude of posts. It is an inaccurate statement from start to finish and has no logic to it.
By this logic, someone who holds the line is just as responsible for the bloodshed as the one who repeatedly charges at it. My mission here is to stop your transgressions, your mission is to stay on the offense until you've claimed everything you could hope to win. It shouldn't be my job to call out your bullshit, but if no one else is going to do it--and worse, they'll even start repeating it--it's either this, or just call you king of the flies.
You continually try to bring in Juan and other players, yet you try to ascribe your intent to them. The poll allows for them to exercise their agency (from a player standpoint) as to what they desire/don't desire. At the end of the day, Juan can start or end a game at his decision, that's his choice as the GM.
The purest hypocrisy. The poll doesn't do what you said it did, and you aren't complaining when your intent gets applied the same way you're complaining about or worse. Juan is clearly in charge, so why are you fighting for a political campaign to convince everyone, while he's not looking, that he not only ought to end it, but that nothing else would be reasonable, or even possible?
As to 'Shame', yet again you seek to vilify or demean. I don't think AA or BM help their own cases when they do it either.
You don't shame someone to vilify or demean them, you shame them to get them to introspect and improve themselves. If my goal was to vilify you, I wouldn't be engaging with you, I'd just watch you do it yourself. Whenever I paint you as a villain, it's because that's how you're behaving. It's impossible for you not to have noticed by now, but I do not fight to win. My goal is not to defeat and dominate other players. In game or out of game, I'm not interested in that.
This is a game. Constructive discussions and disagreements can be and should be had by all. Resorting to name calling and attempting to villify for disagreements isn't helpful (and yes -- I have used the same poor manners and efforts to villify you in the past -- I should not have sunk to that level and am trying to do better).
Absolutely true, Johnny-come-lately! I would appreciate the apology more if it was more of an apology, and if it wasn't buried inside a deluge of lies, manipulation, and hypocrisy.
If Juan chooses to continue the game, it continues. If he decides to start a new one, we start a new one. It is pretty simple. It is not a make or break decision that will shatter the community we have, I believe we as a community are stronger than that. Will some people leave and others join a new game? Possibly. That's what has happened in every other game for the past decade.
Pedals thoroughly backed, we have returned to the state of affairs we were in before the campaign to make sure this wasn't the conclusion was initiated. Ugh!

Did you win, John? Did you win the conversation? Does everyone like you now? Do they think you're the best? No? Well, that's a surprise.

Which is strange, because no one could. You'd think it wouldn't be a surprise when no one wins something that can't be won.
Basically wrong on each point. Again, MF, you seek to villify and use invectives to try and make a point -- instead, you make it abundantly clear the only reason you are arguing is your desire to troll and your dislike of myself.

Anyways, as I've said before -- the game is over for many of us which continues to be supported by the polling data and responses to this point.
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:59 pm

No, you.

It's like a poorly-written cringe comedy sketch. You keep playing impulsive, irresponsible characters and acting like (highly-manipulative!) children in the OOC, and yet you turn around and pretend I'm the one who has mental issues. When you try to explain why you think that, all you've got is my situation, even though you strenuously exert yourselves to manufacture and maintain that very thing, sacrificing whoever and whatever in your efforts to do so.

And for what? Because it's just funny, and you don't care about the cost or worry what will happen? Well, for Sam at least he's stated clearly it's because he's afraid that the game will change (even if that means becoming less hellish). It could be time he started to think about whether the non-cure is worse than the not-a-disease.

John, it's long past time you started to take your own criticism. It'd be nice if you also stopped using manipulation and sabotage to try and have your way with the community.
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:14 pm

You don't know me! I got all kinds of layers. And they all want you to have this...

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TF - The Fortress
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TF - The Fortress » Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:17 pm

Arguing against the data (9 to 4 for a new game)?

There is nothing funny to me in our discussion. You continue to view the current and past situations through your own unique prism.

As I said, and the data continues to support, the game is over for many of us. That you would seek to force those players to remain in a story they find complete (or complete enough), just highlights how you are actually the only one unwilling to accept what has gone on.

We're now on the 8th page of me saying basically the same thing -- end of the day, there are many who think it is over. There are a smaller number who think it is not.

Many are ready to move on. Some are not.

In the end, Juan will decide whether to end the game or start a new one. My preference is a new one of course. Yours is that he continues the old one.

Nothing has changed in either of our perspectives and I stayed they would not change either at the beginning of this thread. I appreciate your willingness to show that there have been no surprises/changes in your position.

Keep on keeping on, I agree to disagree with you. :)
The Fortress!

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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:23 pm

Two of many ways you're a blatant jackass for even trying to do this:

1) 13 is at most half of the player count. If we moved on with 9 players, the game would never be the same.
2) You didn't ask who wanted a new game, you asked who was ready for it (without defining what that meant).

You're trying to force players to submit to something they may not want by trying to convince them they already want it, and have no other option. Ass.

Stop gaslighting and listen to your own advice.
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:27 pm

I almost forgot the gift.
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Re: Poll: New Game

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Oct 17, 2021 7:31 pm

If I'm the worst bully then it means I am the nicest person. HAHAHA!

I deny that vehemently.

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