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DM Juan
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Re: Monolith

Post by DM Juan » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:41 pm

It's a better Palace. No upkeep, and gives out a handful of leylines. It is under-powered compared to it's nearest equivalent the Cathedral. It needs a bit of an upgrade. I am thinking acts as Enhancing Source at 2, 4 (ie; Increases source effective level by up to 2)

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WM - The Waste Mage
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Re: Monolith

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:46 pm

I like the idea of wizards having some security in their homes since they can be crushed by non wizards economy. Free realm spells in their capital might be cool. 1 free per level. Otho g cast can be projected outside the province. Summons from free spells cannot leave etc. And can cast them even if you cannot afford it but each casting destroys a level of the monolith. Hmmm or maybe better of the monolith acts as an item of spell storing. The wizard pays for the spell but it is stored in the monolith until used. That would be cool. Wizard can save his ass if hanged up on with a bunch of summoning spells or mass destructions etc. Gives them staying power for late game.

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DM Juan
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Re: Monolith

Post by DM Juan » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:48 pm

It's way too good. Free Actions are powerful, Free Spells are the most powerful thing.

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WM - The Waste Mage
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Re: Monolith

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:51 pm

Even if the spells stored could only be cast in the capital province? I was thinking like people going after Sauron in Mordor etc. Chimaera should have been able to ass rape anyone attacking her home.

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TH - The Hunt
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Re: Monolith

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:52 pm

Increasing source level in a wizard's capital doesn't seem like much of a benefit. It should already be high enough to cast every spell. The monolith couldn't be built to level 5 if the source level wasn't that high already, and no spell requires more than source 7.

Cathedral, Customs House, and Training Grounds all amount to free actions. (Training Grounds allow what would normally take 2 actions to take only 1.) That's why I'd propose spells as a free action, though still limited to being cast in the same province (or places it's linked to by ley line).

Spells are powerful, even when you have to pay the normal cost... so I thought the calendar restriction would help.
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TPK - The Pirates
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Re: Monolith

Post by TPK - The Pirates » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:55 pm

Monolith didn't require source level to be 5 to get to level 5, just province or holding level (if province was owned by wizard).

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DM Juan
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Re: Monolith

Post by DM Juan » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:56 pm

And actually, source 5->7 is quite powerful. People have massacred entire province(s) to get a Source 7 before.

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TPK - The Pirates
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Re: Monolith

Post by TPK - The Pirates » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:57 pm


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TH - The Hunt
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Re: Monolith

Post by TH - The Hunt » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:09 pm

In the last two games I don't know that anyone's cast a spell with a higher source requirement than Warding... I could have missed it.
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WM - The Waste Mage
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Re: Monolith

Post by WM - The Waste Mage » Sun Jul 05, 2020 6:13 pm

Yah the spells for level 6 and 7 sources are not going to be used often. Why spend 100 RP on a building that is not permanent. Not saying it would never come up but you'd think the highest level realm spells would be cooler.

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